Tick, Mosquito & Flea Prevention & Control

Conquer Outdoor Pests & Enjoy Your Yard This Summer!

Call us for a free quote at 201-939-8733

Effective Treatments for Ticks, Mosquitoes & Outdoor Fleas

As warmer weather arrives, so too do the less welcome residents: ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas. These tiny invaders pose not just a nuisance but a significant health risk, bringing diseases right to our doorsteps.

Enter Aspen Tree, northern New Jersey's premier line of defense against these pests. With deep expertise and a strong commitment to the health of both our environment and our communities, Aspen Tree offers innovative and highly effective solutions for pest prevention and treatment.

Our holistic approach combines the latest in tick and mosquito control technology with environmentally friendly practices, ensuring your outdoor spaces remain safe and enjoyable. Whether you're battling an existing infestation or looking to prevent one, Aspen Tree is your trusted partner in creating pest-free environments.

Stay Safe with an Annual Pest Control Program

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    Customized tick, mosquito & flea prevention and control solutions to meet your unique needs

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    Locally-formulated treatments developed specifically for northern New Jersey (this isn't the one-size-fits-all approach used by national brands!)

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    Regularly-scheduled applications every 3 to 4 weeks during tick & mosquito season

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    Identification of “hot spots” that could be a breeding ground for these pests and recommendations for how to reduce pest populations

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    Property visits with ongoing monitoring & adjustments when needed

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    State Licensed Applicators

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    Traditional and organic programs available

A swarm of mosquitoes and a tick on a blade of grass.

"The Aspen team did an outstanding job. I can’t be happier than I am now. The team is careful, thoughtful, and work as if they are doing it for their own home. I will only use Aspen going forward."

B. Ojeda

Why Organic Treatments?

Organic treatments use natural, plant-based ingredients that are less harmful to the environment compared to synthetic chemical pesticides.

Safer for pets, children, and other non-target organisms that may come into contact with the treatments.

Reduced chemical exposure for you and your family.

These highly effective treatments can achieve up to 90% reduction in tick and mosquito populations when applied through a comprehensive barrier spray program.


The Problem With Ticks & Mosquitoes

The main concerns in northern New Jersey about ticks and mosquitoes are the diseases they can transmit.

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    Tick-Borne Diseases

    The most common tick-borne diseases in northern New Jersey are:

    Lyme Disease: This is the most prevalent tick-borne illness in the region, transmitted by the blacklegged (deer) tick. Symptoms can include a bulls-eye rash, fever, headaches, and joint/muscle pain.

    Anaplasmosis: Also transmitted by the blacklegged tick, anaplasmosis can cause fever, headache, chills, and muscle ache.

    Babesiosis: This disease, also spread by the blacklegged tick, can cause flu-like symptoms like fever, chills, and fatigue.

    Ehrlichiosis: The lone star tick is the primary vector for ehrlichiosis, which can lead to fever, headache, fatigue, and gastrointestinal symptoms.

    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: While less common, this disease transmitted by the American dog tick can cause fever, headache, rash, and in severe cases, neurological problems.

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    Diseases Caused by Mosquitoes

    Mosquitoes cause several diseases in northern New Jersey are:

    West Nile Virus (WNV): This is the most commonly reported mosquito-borne disease in New Jersey. WNV can cause fever, headache, body aches, and in rare cases, severe neurological illness.

    Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE): EEE is also a concern in the region. It can lead to severe neurological symptoms like encephalitis, meningitis, and paralysis.

    Other mosquito-borne diseases that have been reported in northern New Jersey include Chikungunya, Dengue, Malaria, St. Louis encephalitis, Yellow Fever, and Zika Virus. However, these tend to be less common compared to WNV and EEE.

Society of Municipal Arborists logo.
TCIA member logo.
American Society of Consulting Arborists logo.
ISA Certified Arborist logo.
New Jersey Licensed Tree Expert logo.
New Jersey Shade Tree Federation logo.

Tick & Mosquito Control FAQs

To reduce mosquito populations on your property, start by emptying or changing outdoor standing water at least weekly to stop mosquito breeding. Look for anywhere water may collect, such as flowerpots, pet food and water dishes, birdbaths, swimming pool covers, clogged rain gutters, plastic wading pools, and wheelbarrows. Some water collecting items may be difficult to spot, such as bottle caps and trash under bushes, homes, or around building exteriors. Refer to tips for Mosquito-Proofing your Yard for more information.

Treatments are timed to target different life stages of ticks and mosquitoes, with applications in spring, summer, and fall to provide season-long control.

Homeowners can choose from organic, natural-based treatments or conventional chemical options. Professionals like Aspen Tree offer customized programs with multiple applications per season.

Comprehensive treatment programs can achieve up to 90% reduction in tick and mosquito populations, though complete elimination is difficult as they can migrate from surrounding areas.

The key is taking a proactive, integrated approach to tick and mosquito management in northern New Jersey to protect against the diseases they can transmit.

Tick on a man's finger.

Contact Aspen for a free quote on an annual tick, mosquito & flea control program in Bergen, Essex, Passaic, and Morris counties.

Call us at 201-939-8733 or request a quote online.